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Address Book

Create a contact list

To create a contact list it is required to call POST /address-book-api/contact-groups, sending message parameters in the body and authorization data in the header.

Request parameters

Parameter Data type Description
array[Fields] Parameters for custom macros (fields) of contacts in the list, in addition to the main contact fields.
name string Contact list name.

Contact list type.

Possible values:
STANDARD - standard list.
STOPLIST - the messages will not be sent to these contacts.
PUSH - list for sending push notifications.
OMNI_API - used only when sending transactional messages, you can not create a list of this type manually. Lists of this type are also not displayed when getting all lists.

boolean Automatic deletion of contacts if:
○ the contact has not been used for more than two weeks.
○ the contact was missing any data (phone, email, etc.).


Parameter Data type Description
name string Field name.
string Field name in personal account.

Field type.

Possible values:
0 - date/time
2 - number
3 - text
5 - object
8 - date

values array[string] An array of possible field values, if any.
For example: ["gender.male", "gender.female"].

Request example

  "fields": [
      "displayName": "NickName",
      "name": "Nickname",
      "type": 3
      "displayName": "Automobile",
      "name": "Auto",
      "type": 3
  "name": "TestList",
  "type": "STANDARD",
  "autoDeleteEnabled": true

Response parameters

Parameter Data type Description
result string Contact list ID.
reasons array An array of the errors that occurred while processing the message. To be given with "code": "REJECTED" only.
reasons.key string Error code.
reasons.ref string Reference to the parameter where the error has occurred.
reasons.defaultMessage string Message with error description.
description string Error description.

Response examples

  "result": "3576515602081985000"
  "result": null,
  "reasons": [
      "key": "",
      "ref": "name",
      "defaultMessage": "must not be null"
  "description": "Key error: (parameter: name -> must not be null)"

Upload contacts to the list

To upload contacts to the list it is required to call POST /address-book-api/contacts/batch, sending contacts parameters in the body and authorization data in the header.

Request parameters

Parameter Data type Description
integer Time offset for contact from UTC+0 in minutes.

Request body

Parameter Data type Description
contactGroupId integer Contact list ID.
contacts array[Contacts] Contacts array.

Check for the duplicate contact data.

Possible values:
phone - check phone number.
email - check email.


Parameter Data type Description
string Contact's email.
string Contact's phone number in international format, according to E.164 standard.
array[Fields] Parameters of macros (fields) of the contacts in the list, including main contact fields.
array[PushInfo] Data required to receive push notifications. Only used with PUSH lists.
Parameter Data type Description
name string Field name.
string Field name in personal account.

Field type.

Possible values:
0 - date/time
2 - number
3 - text
5 - object
8 - date

value array[string] Field value.


Parameter Data type Description
appId string Application ID.
os integer

Operating system.

Possible values:
0 - iOS.
1 - Android.
2 - Huawei.

pushToken string Device token.

Request example

  "contactGroupId": 3576505602081984000,
  "contacts": [
      "email": "",
      "fields": [
          "name": "name",
          "type": 3,
          "value": "John"
          "name": "surname",
          "type": 3,
          "value": "Smith"
          "name": "gender",
          "type": 3,
          "value": "gender.male"
      "phone": "79100000000",
      "pushInfo": [
          "appId": "23244532534",
          "os": 0,
          "pushToken": "23fsdivfwrq34frvsfgwgrst4334rfw"
  "duplicateCheckField": "phone"

Response parameters

Parameter Data type Description
code string

Shows the result of message processing.

1. OK - processed successfully.
2. REJECTED - an error has occurred while processing the request.

result array Request result.
result.contactId string ID of the added contact. To be given with "code": "OK" only.
result.localizationKey string Error code.
result.fieldName string Reference to the parameter where the error has occurred.
result.displayName string Parameter name.
description string Error description.

Response examples

  "result": [
      "code": "OK",
      "result": {
        "contactId": "3379c731a0734800-337a7406f274fe80"
  "result": [
      "code": "REJECTED",
      "result": {
        "localizationKey": "DUPLICATE_VALUE",
        "fieldName": "phone",
        "displayName": "Phone"
      "description": "Duplicate"

Get all contact lists

To get all contact lists it is required to call GET /address-book-api/contact-groups, sending lists parameters and authorization data in the header.

Request parameters

Parameter Data type Description
integer The number of rows to display in the response.
integer Line number from which the result will be displayed (offset).
string Contact list name.
string Filter by the creation date of the campaign - the beginning of the range.
string Filter by the creation date of the campaign - the end of the range.

Contact list type.

Possible values:
STANDARD - standard list.
STOPLIST - the messages will not be sent to these contacts.
PUSH - list for sending push notifications.

integer Time offset for the contact from UTC+0 in minutes.
boolean Automatic deletion of contacts if:
○ the contact has not been used for more than two weeks.
○ the contact was missing any data (phone, email, etc.).

Request example

curl \
-h 'Authorization: Key QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==' 

Response parameters

Parameter Data type Description
companyId integer Company ID.
contactGroupId string Contact list ID.
name string Contact list name.
creationDate string The date the contact list was created.
lastUpdate string The date the contact list was updated.
array[Fields] Parameters of macros (fields) of contacts in the list, including main contact fields.
contactsCount integer The number of contacts in the list.
segmentsCount integer The number of segments in the list.
type string string


Parameter Data type Description
name string Field name.
string Field name in personal account.

Field type.

Possible values:
0 - date/time
2 - number
3 - text
5 - object
8 - date

values array[string] An array of possible field values, if any.
For example: ["gender.male", "gender.female"].
isDefault boolean Whether the field is displayed by default.

Response example

  "result": [
      "contactGroupId": "23556345674567625",
      "companyId": 452345234,
      "name": "ContactsList",
      "creationDate": "2022-10-22T18:14:21",
      "lastUpdate": "2022-10-22T18:14:21",
      "fields": [
          "name": "name",
          "displayName": "Name",
          "type": 3,
          "isDefault": true
          "name": "gender",
          "displayName": "Gender",
          "type": 3,
          "isDefault": true,
          "values": [
          "name": "country",
          "displayName": "Country",
          "type": 3,
          "isDefault": true
          "name": "city",
          "displayName": "City",
          "type": 3,
          "isDefault": true
      "contactsCount": "34234",
      "segmentsCount": "2",
      "type": "STANDARD",
      "autoDeleteEnabled": false

Get all contacts from the list

To get all contacts from the list it is required to call GET /address-book-api/contacts/http/range, sending contact parameters and authorization data in the header.

Request parameters

Parameter Data type Description
contactGroupId string Contact list ID.

Sorting order.

Possible values:
false - ascending (asc)
true - descending (desc)

integer The number of rows to display in the response.
integer Line number from which the result will be displayed (offset).
string Device token.
string Query field for the filter.

Query operator for the filter.

Possible values:
ex - exists (EXISTS)
eq - equals (EQUALS)
neq - does not equal (NOT_EQUALS)
gt - greater than (GREATER_THAN)
lt - less than (LESS_THAN)
ngt - not greater than (NOT_GREATER_THAN)
nlt - not less than (NOT_LESS_THAN)
inc - contains (CONTAINS)
ninc - does not contain (NOT_CONTAINS)
sw - starts with (STARTS_WITH)
ew - ends with (ENDS_WITH)
nsw - does not start with (NOT_STARTS_WITH)
new - does not end with (NOT_ENDS_WITH)
range - in range (RANGE)
nrange - not in range (NOT_IN_RANGE)
ma - matches (MATCHES)
nma - does not match (NOT_MATCHES)

string The query value for the filter.
string Segment ID.
string Field to sort by.
integer Time offset for the contact from UTC+0 in minutes.

Subscription channel.



Subscription type.

Possible values:
ALL - all contacts.
SUBSCRIBED - subscribed contacts.
UNSUBSCRIBED - unsubscribed contacts.

Request example

curl \
-h 'Authorization: Key QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ=='
-h 'Content-Type: application/json'
-h 'Accept: application/json'

Response parameters

Parameter Data type Description
companyId integer Company ID.
contactGroupId integer Contact list ID.
contactId string Contact ID.
creationDate string The date the contact was created.
last update string The date the contact was updated.
fields array[Fields] Parameters of macros (fields) of contacts in the list, including main contact fields.
email string Contact's email.
phone string Contact's phone number.
unsubscribedData array[UnsubscribedData] Contact unsubscription data.
pushInfo array[PushInfo] Data required to receive push notifications.


Parameter Data type Description
name string Field name.
displayName string Field name that will be displayed in the personal account.
type integer Field type. Possible values:
0 - date/time
2 - integer
3 - text
5 - object
8 - date
value array[string] Field value.
values array[string] Array of possible field values, if it is needed.
For example: ["gender.male", "gender.female"].
isDefault boolean Whether the field is displayed by default.


Parameter Data type Description
channelList array[UnsubscribedChannel] Unsubscription channel data.
companyId integer Company ID.
data string Unsubscription data (phone number, email or device token).
dataType string

Unsubscription data type.

Possible values: EMAIL, PHONE, TOKEN.

updatedAt string The date the subscription was updated.
Parameter Data type Description
channel string

Unsubscription channel.


unsubscribedAt integer Unsubscription date.
unsubscribedType string Unsubscription type. Only the value SPAM is possible.

Response example

  "result": [
      "contactId": "31a24ce55d4a8e00-31a251fea18b9280",
      "companyId": 112233,
      "contactGroupId": "3576515602081985000",
      "creationDate": "2020-10-20 09:01:05",
      "lastUpdate": "2020-10-20 09:01:05",
      "phone": "79100000000",
      "email": "",  
      "fields": [
          "name": "name",
          "displayName": "Name",
          "type": 3,
          "isDefault": true
          "name": "surname",
          "displayName": "Last name",
          "type": 3,
          "isDefault": true
          "name": "gender",
          "displayName": "Gender",
          "type": 3,
          "isDefault": true,
          "values": [
      "unsubscribedData": [
          "companyId": 112233,
          "data": "",
          "dataType": "EMAIL",
          "channelList": [
              "channel": "EMAIL",
              "unsubscribedAt": "2020-10-21T08:13:55",
              "unsubscribedType": "SPAM"
          "updatedAt": "2020-10-21 08:13:55"

Delete contact list

To delete one or multiple contact lists it is required to call DELETE /address-book-api/contacts-groups, sending contact lists ID and authorization data in the header.

Request parameters

Parameter Data type Description
ids array[integer]

Contact list ID. Several values can be transmitted.

Request example

curl -X DELETE \
 -H 'Authorization: Key QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==' \

Response parameters

Parameter Data type Description
result array An array with request results. Every contact list will have its own result.
result.code string

Shows the result of request processing.

1. OK - processed successfully.
2. REJECTED - an error has occurred.

result.result string Contact list ID.
result.description string Message with error description. To be given with "code": "REJECTED" only.
reasons array An array of errors that occurred while processing the message. To be given with "code": "REJECTED" only.
reasons.key string Error code.
reasons.ref string Reference to the parameter where the error has occurred.

Response example

  "result": [
      "code": "OK",
      "result": "5435476543542"
      "code": "OK",
      "result": "435467586654"
      "code": "OK",
      "result": "4325364758"


Contact lists can be divided into segments. Segments allow you to filter contacts from the list.


One contact list can have maximum of 20 segments.

Create segment

To create one contact list segment it is required to call POST /address-book-api/segments, sending segment parameters in the request body and authorization data in the header.

Request parameters

Parameter Data type Description
contactGroupId integer

Contact list ID.

name string

Segment name. Segment names can not be repeated within the same contact list.

query array[object]

Contact selection parameters for the segment.

Parameter Data type Description
filterOperator string

Filters operator. Available values:

AND - and
OR - or
EXCLUDE - exclude

filterElements array[object]

Filters data. The array can contain maximum of 2 objects.


The contact attribute name for selecting contacts.


Contact filter operator.


Contact attribute value for selecting contacts.

Request example


When creating a request, it is important to consider the following conditions::

  1. There can only be two objects (filters) in the filterElements array.
  2. If the filterOperator parameter is used, then the name, operator, value parameters will be specified only in the nested object inside the filterElements array.
  3. If the name, operator, value parameters are used, the filterOperator parameter must be specified in the same object to validate the request. However, it will not be used in the filters themselves. Read the comment to the request examples for a better understanding.

For convenience, it is better to use no more than three filters per segment.

The "filterOperator": "AND" parameter in this case is needed only for request validation. It will not be used in the segment filters.

  "contactGroupId": 3648143200368952320,
  "name": "segmentName",
  "query": [
      "filterOperator": "AND",
      "filterElements": [
          "name": "name",
          "operator": "sw",
          "value": "John"

This request contains two filters: contacts with a phone number starting with 7999 OR with the name John will be added to this segment. The "filterOperator": "AND" parameters in this case are needed only for request validation. They will not be used in the segment filters.

  "contactGroupId": 3648143200368952320,
  "name": "segmentName",
  "query": [
      "filterOperator": "OR",
      "filterElements": [
          "filterOperator": "AND",
          "filterElements": [
              "name": "name",
              "operator": "sw",
              "value": "John"
          "filterOperator": "AND",
          "filterElements": [
              "name": "phone",
              "operator": "eq",
              "value": "79995854330"

This request contains three filters: contacts with a phone number starting with 7999 OR with the name John OR with the surname starting with A will be added to this segment. The "filterOperator": "AND" parameters in this case are needed only for request validation. They will not be used in the segment filters.

  "contactGroupId": 3648143200368952320,
  "name": "segmentName",
  "query": [
      "filterOperator": "OR",
      "filterElements": [
          "filterOperator": "AND",
          "filterElements": [
              "filterOperator": "OR",
              "filterElements": [
                  "filterOperator" : "AND",
                  "filterElements" : [
                      "name" : "surname",
                      "operator" : "sw",
                      "value" : "А"
                  "filterOperator": "AND",
                  "filterElements": [
                      "name": "name",
                      "operator": "eq",
                      "value": "John"
          "filterOperator": "AND",
          "filterElements": [
              "name": "phone",
              "operator": "sw",
              "value": "7999"

Response parameters

Parameter Data type Description
result string

created contact list segment ID.

Response example

  "result": "3775660349864609792"

Edit segment

To edit the contact list segment it is required to call PUT /address-book-api/segments/{segmentId}, sending segment parameters in the request body and authorization data in the header.

Request parameters

Parameter Data type Description
segmentId integer Segment ID. Path parameter.
name string

Segment name. Segment names can not be repeated within the same contact list.

query array[object]

Contact selection parameters for the segment.

Parameter Data type Description
filterOperator string

Filters operator. Available values:

AND - and
OR - or
EXCLUDE - exclude

filterElements array[object]

Filters data. The array can contain maximum of 2 objects.


The contact attribute name for selecting contacts.


Contact filter operator.


Contact attribute value for selecting contacts.

Request example


When creating a request, it is important to consider the following conditions::

  1. There can only be two objects (filters) in the filterElements array.
  2. If the filterOperator parameter is used, then the name, operator, value parameters will be specified only in the nested object inside the filterElements array.
  3. If the name, operator, value parameters are used, the filterOperator parameter must be specified in the same object to validate the request. However, it will not be used in the filters themselves. Read the comment to the request examples for a better understanding.

For convenience, it is better to use no more than three filters per segment.

The "filterOperator": "AND" parameter in this case is needed only for request validation. It will not be used in the segment filters.

  "contactGroupId": 3648143200368952320,
  "name": "segmentName",
  "query": [
      "filterOperator": "AND",
      "filterElements": [
          "name": "name",
          "operator": "sw",
          "value": "John"

This request contains two filters: contacts with a phone number starting with 7999 OR with the name John will be added to this segment. The "filterOperator": "AND" parameters in this case are needed only for request validation. They will not be used in the segment filters.

  "contactGroupId": 3648143200368952320,
  "name": "segmentName",
  "query": [
      "filterOperator": "OR",
      "filterElements": [
          "filterOperator": "AND",
          "filterElements": [
              "name": "name",
              "operator": "sw",
              "value": "John"
          "filterOperator": "AND",
          "filterElements": [
              "name": "phone",
              "operator": "eq",
              "value": "79995854330"

This request contains three filters: contacts with a phone number starting with 7999 OR with the name John OR with the surname starting with A will be added to this segment. The "filterOperator": "AND" parameters in this case are needed only for request validation. They will not be used in the segment filters.

  "contactGroupId": 3648143200368952320,
  "name": "segmentName",
  "query": [
      "filterOperator": "OR",
      "filterElements": [
          "filterOperator": "AND",
          "filterElements": [
              "filterOperator": "OR",
              "filterElements": [
                  "filterOperator" : "AND",
                  "filterElements" : [
                      "name" : "surname",
                      "operator" : "sw",
                      "value" : "А"
                  "filterOperator": "AND",
                  "filterElements": [
                      "name": "name",
                      "operator": "eq",
                      "value": "John"
          "filterOperator": "AND",
          "filterElements": [
              "name": "phone",
              "operator": "sw",
              "value": "7999"

Response parameters

If the request was successful, the HTTP status 200 and the result parameter with the null value would be returned.

Response example


Get all segments of the contact list

To get all segments from the contact list it is required to call GET /address-book-api/segments, sending segment parameters and authorization data in the header.

Request parameters

Parameter Data type Description
contactGroupId integer

Contact list ID.

Request example

curl -X GET '' \
-H "Authorization:Key dfb35a79-81eb-4b73-bc38-4089770a484d"

Response parameters

Parameter Data type Description
segmentId string Segment ID.
companyId integer

User company ID.

contactGroupId string

Segment contact list ID.

name string

Segment name.

creationDate string

The date and time the segment was created.

lastUpdate string

The date and time of the last segment update.

query array[object]

Contact selection parameters for the segment.

contactsCount string

Number of contacts in the segment.

Parameter Data type Description
filterOperator string

Filters operator. Available values:

AND - and.
OR - or.
EXCLUDE - exclude.

filterElements array[object]

Filters data. The array can contain maximum of 2 objects.

name string

The contact attribute name for selecting contacts.

operator string

Contact filter operator.

value string

Contact attribute value for selecting contacts.

Response example


To understand how the filterOperator parameter works, it is recommended to read the segment creation examples.

  "result": [
      "segmentId": "3782027397081381760",
      "companyId": 508833221,
      "contactGroupId": "3707311347799370752",
      "name": "segmentName",
      "creationDate": "2023-11-28 14:37:00",
      "lastUpdate": "2023-11-28 14:37:00",
      "query": [
          "filterOperator": "OR",
          "filterElements": [
              "filterOperator": "AND",
              "filterElements": [
                  "name": "name",
                  "operator": "sw",
                  "value": "A"
              "filterOperator": "AND",
              "filterElements": [
                  "name": "phone",
                  "operator": "nsw",
                  "value": "7999"
      "contactsCount": "34882"
      "segmentId": "3783239562062773120",
      "companyId": 508833221,
      "contactGroupId": "3707311347799370752",
      "name": "segment",
      "creationDate": "2023-12-05 07:10:25",
      "lastUpdate": "2023-12-05 08:47:43",
      "query": [
          "filterOperator": "OR",
          "filterElements": [
              "name": "name",
              "operator": "eq",
              "value": "John"
      "contactsCount": "29423"

Get the segment

To get contact list segment it is required to call GET /address-book-api/segments/{segmentId}, sending segment parameters and authorization data in the header.

Request parameters

Parameter Data type Description
segmentId string

Contact list segment ID. Path parameter.

Request example

curl -X GET '' \
-H "Authorization:Key dfb35a79-81eb-4b73-bc38-4089770a484d"  

Response parameters

Parameter Data type Description
segmentId string Segment ID.
companyId integer

User company ID.

contactGroupId string

Segment contact list ID.

name string

Segment name.

creationDate string

The date and time the segment was created.

lastUpdate string

The date and time of the last segment update.

query array[object]

Contact selection parameters for the segment.

contactsCount string

Number of contacts in the segment.

Parameter Data type Description
filterOperator string

Filters operator. Available values:

AND - and.
OR - or.
EXCLUDE - exclude.

filterElements array[object]

Filters data. The array can contain maximum of 2 objects.

name string

The contact attribute name for selecting contacts.

operator string

Contact filter operator.

value string

Contact attribute value for selecting contacts.

Response example


The "filterOperator": "AND" parameter in this case is needed only for request validation. It is not used in the segment filters. This parameter is used only if there are more than one filters in the segment.

  "result": {
    "segmentId": "3783239562062773120",
    "companyId": 508833221,
    "contactGroupId": "3707311347799370752",
    "name": "segment",
    "creationDate": "2023-12-05 07:10:25",
    "lastUpdate": "2023-12-05 08:47:43",
    "query": [
        "filterOperator": "AND",
        "filterElements": [
            "name": "name",
            "operator": "sw",
            "value": "John"
    "contactsCount": "15640"

Delete segment

To delete the contact list segment it is required to call DELETE /address-book-api/segments/{segmentId}, sending segment parameters and authorization data in the header.

Request parameters

Parameter Data type Description
segmentId string

ID of the segment that will be deleted.

Request example

curl -i -X DELETE '' \
-H "Authorization:Key QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ=="

Response parameters

If the request was successful, the HTTP status 200 and the result parameter with the null value would be returned.

Response example


Segments operators

Operator Decoded Description
ex EXISTS Data exists
eq EQUALS Equals
neq NOT_EQUALS Does not equal
inc CONTAINS Contains
ninc NOT_CONTAINS Does not contain
sw STARTS_WITH Starts with
nsw NOT_STARTS_WITH Does not start with
ew ENDS_WITH Ends with
new NOT_ENDS_WITH Does not end with


The contact object contains the user's personal data. Contact attributes are used as variables (macros) in transactional messages texts.

Basic contact attributes

Parameter Description
name First name.
surname Last name.
phone Phone number.
email Email address.
gender Gender with possible values gender.male and gender.female.
country Country.
city City.
birthdate Date of birth.
CreationDate Date the contact was created.
LastUpdate The last time the contact was changed.
timezone Contact timezone.
pushInfo Data, for push notifications.


You can use not only basic, but also custom attributes. They can be set up in personal account or when creating the contact list.