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To send Email messages it is required to:

Request parameters

Parameter Data type Description
Recipients array[Recipients] Recipient's data array.
Sender Sender Sender's data.
Subject string Email subject.
Body Body Letter body.
array[string] Files array attached to the letter.

Сhecking if the recipient of the letter has unsubscribed.

If true, the user's unsubscribes will be requested from the contact base. False by default.

If the response indicates that the email is unsubscribed from mailing lists of this company, then the letter will not be sent to the address.


If you want to attach files to the letter, at first you should call POST /files/files for every file separately. The response will contain the fileId parameter. All received fileId are specified in the AttachmentsIds array.


Parameter Data type Description
Address string Recipient's email address.
string Recipient's name.

Custom macros in the form of a JSON object for placing them in the text of the letter (the Body object).

For example:
{ "Birthday": "03/12/1999", "Name ": "Maria" }


An object with the data which will be specified in the callback with the message status.

Any "key" array:
{ "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" }


Parameter Data type Description
Address string

Sender's email address.

The domain must first be created and approved.


Sender's name.

Up to 150 characters.


It is necessary to fill one of the parameters: either Html or PlainText.

Parameter Data type Description
string Email body in HTML format.
string Email body in Plaintext format, all tags are displayed as plain text.


In addition to custom macros in the MergeFields parameter (the Recipients object), the letter body can also contain macros:

  • [Unsubscribe]
  • [WebVersion]

The [Unsubscribe] macro must be specified in Body, otherwise the letter will not be sent.

Request example

  "Recipients": [
      "MergeFields": { "Name": "James" },
      "Address": "",
  "CheckUnsubscription": true,
  "Sender": {
    "Address": "",
    "Name": "TestShop"
  "Subject": "Test message",
  "Body": {
    "Html": "<p>[Name], Welcome!</p>[Unsubscribe]"
  "AttachmentsIds": [

Response parameters

Parameter Data type Description
result array[object] Array with data of each of the messages sent. To be given with "code": "ok" only.
result.index integer Sequence number of the recipient from the array of passed recipients (the Recipients object).
result.address string Recipient's email address.
result.messageId string Message ID.
Description string

Shows the result of message processing:

1.ok - processed successfully.
2. Validation failed - validation failed.

array An array of the errors that occurred while processing the message. To be given with "Description": "Validation failed" only.
Reasons.Key string Error code.
Reasons.Reference string A reference to the parameter where the error has occurred.

Response example

  "result": [
  "Description":"Validation failed",
  "Reasons": [


How to enable

To set up callbacks with message statuses, please contact your account manager or technical support.

Possible statuses

Code Description
ACCEPTED The message has been accepted.
SENT The message has been sent to the operator network.
DELIVERED The message has been delivered to the user.
EXPIRED The message lifetime has expired.
OPENED The message has been read by the user.
CLICKED The recipient has followed the link in the message.
BOUNCED Failed to deliver the message (hard bounce email).
REJECTED The message has been rejected by the operator or Devino.Online.
SUBSCRIBED The recipient has subscribed.
UNSUBSCRIBED The recipient has unsubscribed.
COMPLAINED The recipient has complained.

Callback example

    "dateTime": "2023-04-04T05:56:56.313Z",
    "userData": null,
    "contactId": null,
    "messageId": "dRJ7nkr99WF",
    "taskId": 0,
    "event": "ACCEPTED",
    "email": ""

Put the file into storage

To attach a file to an email letter, you should first put this file into storage. To do this, call POST /files/files passing the file parameters in the header with the authorization data.

Request parameters

Parameter Data type Description
category string Reserved value EMAIL_ATTACHMENT.
file string

Link to the file.

You can upload files in formats: .xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx, .pdf, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .img, .bmp, .rar, .txt

Request example

curl -X POST \
 -H 'Authorization: Key QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2' \
 -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
 -F 'file=@letter.png;type=image/png'

Response parameters

Parameter Data type Description
fileId string File ID. It must be specified in the sending request of the email.
publicUrl string File URL for download.

Response example

  "result": {
    "fileId": "efc1c054-9d65-4c21-b01f-cb0986c2dccb",
    "publicUrl": "http://files.local/emailAttachments/efc1c054-9d65-4c21-b01f-cb0986c2dccb"


To get the sent messages detailed information, you need to call GET /email-statistics/statistics/detail, sending filter parameters with the authorization data in the header.

Request parameters

Parameter Data type Description
limit integer The number of messages in the search results.
offset integer Search results offset. For example, if the number 5 is specified in the parameter, the received array of messages will be displayed only from the 5 in the pull.
integer Message campaign ID for which you want to get the details. Used in required combination with the other parameters.
integer Message campaign trigger ID. Used in required combination with the other parameters.
datetime Start date of the message search. Used in required combination with the other parameters. The format is YYYY-MM-DD+hh:mm:ss.
datetime End date of the message search. Used in required combination with the other parameters. The format is YYYY-MM-DD+hh:mm:ss.
array[integer] Message IDs for which you want to get the details. Used in required combination with the other parameters.

How to display the request results.

Possible values:
ASC - in ascending order.
DESC - in descending order.

string Field by which to sort the request results.
string Recipient's email address.
string Sender's email address.

The messages status in the request results.

Possible values:
DELIVERED - the message has been delivered to the user.
IN_PROGRESS - the message is in the process of being sent to the operator.
READ - the message has been read by the user.
REDIRECT - the recipient has followed the link in the message.
UNDELIVERED - unable to deliver the message.
SUBSCRIBED - the recipient has subscribed.
UNSUBSCRIBED - the recipient has unsubscribed.

integer Recipient's time zone.
integer Campaign sender user ID.

Parameters combinations

To get the correct request results, you should use one of these parameters combinations in accordance with the list:

  • Message campaign ID: taskId
  • Message campaign ID and trigger ID: taskId, triggerId
  • Start and end dates for the message search: dateTimeFrom, dateTimeTo
  • Message campaign ID, trigger ID; start and end dates for the message search: taskId, triggerId, dateTimeFrom, dateTimeTo
  • Message IDs: messageIds

Fields for orderBy parameter

Used in the orderBy parameter to sort the search results.

Field name Description
COMPANY_NAME Company name.
EVENT_DATE_TIME Date and time the status of the message was last updated.
PRICE Message price.
RECIPIENT Recipient's email address.
SENT_DATE_TIME Date and time the message was sent.
SOURCE_ADDRESS Sender's email address.
SOURCE_NAME Sender's name.
STATUS Message status.
SUBJECT Email subject.
TASK_ID Campaign ID.
TASK_NAME Campaign name.
TASK_TYPE Campaign type.
TRIGGER_CONTACT_GROUP The name of the contact list to which the campaign was sent. In the response will be indicated as a list parameter.
TRIGGER_SEGMENT The name of the contact list segment to which the campaign was sent. In the response will be indicated as a segment parameter.
IS_CONTACT_GROUP_DELETED Whether the contact list from which the message was sent has been deleted. In the response will be indicated as an isListDeleted parameter.
IS_TRIGGER_SEGMENT_DELETED Whether the contact list, the contact from which the message was sent, has been deleted. In the response will be indicated as an isSegmentDeleted parameter.
TRIGGER_ID Campaign trigger ID.
USER_ID Sender's user ID.
USER_LOGIN Sender's user login.

Request examples

curl -X GET
 -H 'Authorization: Key QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==' \
curl -X GET
 -H 'Authorization: Key QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==' \

Response parameters

Parameter Data type Description
data array[object] An array of objects with detailed information on each message. The parameters are defined by the fields that were set in the original request.
size integer Number of items per page and messages in search results. Set by limit parameter.
offset integer Search results offset. For example, if the number 5 is specified in the parameter, the received array of messages will be displayed only from the 5 in the pull.
number integer

The number of the received page. Defined by the offset parameter.

○ If the offset parameter value is 0 with any limit parameter value, then the page number will be 1.

○ If the offset will be greater than 0 but less than the limit parameter value, the page number will be 2. For example, with "offset": 5 and "limit": 10 the number parameter value will be 2.

○ If the offset will be greater than limit, the page number will be determined by integer division of offset by limit plus 1 (offset / limit + 1). For example, with "offset": 1000 and "limit": 50, the number parameter value will be 21 (1000 / 50 + 1 = 21).

pageExists boolean Whether the displayed page exists.
total integer The total number of messages for which the details can be received.
pages integer The total number of pages for which the details can be received. Determined by integer division of the total parameter by limit (total / limit).
more boolean Indicator: whether there are pages after the current one specified in the number parameter.

Response example

  "result": {
    "offset": 1000,
    "number": 21,
    "size": 50,
    "pageExists": true,
    "data": [
        "messageId": "234567865432456787634",
        "recipient": "",
        "sourceAddress": "",
        "sourceName": "sendersName",
        "sentDateTime": "2022-12-14 05:55:32",
        "status": "DELIVERED",
        "eventDateTime": "2022-12-14 05:54:52",
        "subject": "Special event",
        "companyId": 234,
        "companyName": "Company",
        "userId": 88,
        "userLogin": "79991112233",
        "taskId": 6666666,
        "triggerId": "22569",
        "price": "1.0000",
        "isListDeleted": false
    "more": true,
    "pages": 100,
    "total": 1000

Message statistics

To get the general statistics on message statuses, you need to call GET /omni-statistics-exporter/export/statistics/sliced-by-event-time, sending filter parameters with the authorization data in the header.

Request parameters

Parameter Data type Description
groupBy string

Results grouping:
NONE - no grouping
YEAR - by year
MONTH - by month
WEEK - by week
DAY - by day
HOUR - by hour

dateTimeFrom datetime Start of the date range. The format is YYYY-MM-DD+hh:mm:ss.
dateTimeTo datetime End of the date range. The format is YYYY-MM-DD+hh:mm:ss.
string Encoding of the output. Possible values: CP1251 and UTF8.
integer Campaign ID for which the statistics is needed.
integer Campaign trigger ID for which the statistics is needed.
integer Sender's user ID.
integer Recipient's time zone. The format is offset in minutes, for example, 180 for Moscow (GMT+3).

Request example

curl -X GET
 -H 'Authorization: Key QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==' \

Response parameters

The response data is formatted as a table with the parameters:


The last table line indicates the statistics for the entire period.

Parameter Description
Send date Statistics collection date depending on the value of the groupBy parameter.
Sent The number of messages accepted for sending.
Delivered The number of delivered messages.
Delivery rate The percentage of messages delivered out of the total.
Bounced The number of undelivered messages (hard bounce email).
Bounce rate The percentage of undelivered messages (hard bounce email).
Opened The number of messages read by the recipient.
Open rate The percentage of messages read by the recipient.
Clicked The number of messages where the recipient followed the link.
Click to Open Rate The percentage of messages where the recipient clicked on the link, based on the number of messages read. For example, if a message was opened 100 times and link from it was followed 20 times, then the parameter value will be 20.
Unsubscribed The number of messages where the recipient unsubscribed.
Unsubscribe Rate Percentage of messages where the recipient unsubscribed.
Complained The number of messages the recipient marked as spam.
Spam rate The percentage of messages the recipient marked as spam.

Response example

Send date;Sent;Delivered;Delivery rate;Bounced;Bounce rate;Opened;Open rate;Clicked;Click to Open Rate;Unsubscribed;Unsubscribe Rate;Complained;Spam rate;
12.04.2022 - 12.04.2023;5089631;5089597;100%;4;0%;6;0%;7;116.67%;2;0%;0;0%